Mobile Learning

APP-ly your learning!

Mobile Apps are a rage and we help you make the most out of it. We develop Apps for learning, helping your learners learn the bite-sized way offline or online and help integrate learning into their lifestyle. It’s perfect for just-in-time learning. Now your learners will truly be able to APP-ly their learning!

Mobile devices provide the flexibility to learn anytime and anywhere on the go. Mobile learning facilitates multi-device support that provides access to courses across laptops/desktops to tablets/smartphones. It also aligns well to the needs of the changing composition of the workforce (that now includes Millennials). The key benefits include:

  • A learner-centric approach: It provides the required control to the learners to take the training when they want, on the go, and on the device of their choice.
  • It offers higher learner engagement and encourages learners to keep coming back (pull vs. push).
  • It can be used to offer formal training, Performance Support (job aids), and support for ILTs.

From animations, interactivities, character sets, and color depths, our mobile learning solutions are optimized for the latest devices. We create content for different mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, or Windows. We can also create m-books that can be read via apps or downloaded as per the requirement of the learner. Conversion of existing legacy learning solutions is something we can do for you as you move to newer technologies.
Here are some features of our mobile learning solutions:

  • Scalability: Our mobile learning solutions are adaptable, scalable, and available on-demand to meet the needs of the new generation of tech-savvy workforce.
  • Responsiveness: Be it smartphone, iPad or tablet, our mobile-friendly eLearning courses are based on the principles of responsive design to provide an optimal viewing experience across all devices.
  • Platform independence: Our courses are platform-independent so that your learners can access the learning content anywhere, anytime and on any mobile device.
