Leveraging Generative AI in Learning and Development

Author: Dharuni Garikapaty

Leveraging Generative AI in Learning and Development

Generative AI technology, a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has become progressively popular in the recent past. Generative AI technology involves creating advanced systems of algorithms that create original content in the form of text, images, video, and audio from large datasets and patterns in those datasets. Some common examples of Generative AI technology include language models, image, videos and audio generated that create new content based on given various parameters.

DEI Strategies

Rapid Development

The Generative AI movement is rapidly gaining speed with more and more companies investing in exciting and innovative applications like:

  • Google has produced many generative AI models like Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT), a language model that can generate human-like text, and DeepDream, a computer vision model to create images.
  • Apple has developed Siri, a voice assistant that understands and generates human-like text. Apple has also developed a generative model called Turi Create, a framework for creating custom machine learning models.
  • Microsoft has developed a language model called GPT-3, a generative AI model to create human-like text, in addition to DeepSpeed, a framework to train large-scale generative models. Microsoft also recently announced Copilot (a set of AI features) that will be available with the Microsoft 365 suite of business software.
  • OpenAI has been developing different generative AI models like GPT-3, a language model that can generate human-like text. OpenAI has also developed DALLĀ·E 2 that creates images from textual descriptions.

Challenges and Pitfalls

Generative AI is not immune to inheriting biases and issues present in the data it learns from and the conclusions it draws. Despite all advances, it has the limitations of inaccuracies, inability to cite sources, biased information and is limited to the dataset it works with. These limitations compromise the reliability and accuracy of the information generated by Generative AI. Therefore, it is crucial to approach the information generated by Generative AI with a critical eye and supplement it with personal experience, expertise, perspective, and further research. By doing so, we can ensure that the generated content is accurate, reliable, and complete.

Generative AI in Learning and Development

Generative AI can be a valuable resource for Learning and Development (L&D) professionals, enabling them to save time, gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, enhance their content, and avoid burnout. When used appropriately, L&D professionals can leverage Generative AI to gain insights into learners' pain points, apply appropriate methodologies and strategies to simplify learning and develop engaging and effective learning experiences for their learners. Here are some of the ways L&D professionals can leverage Generative AI:

  • Research Assistance: Generative AI has the potential to assist writers in exploring the subject matter more comprehensively, resulting in time savings and the discovery of previously unknown information.
  • Prime the Content to Save Time: By aiding in the creation of preliminary drafts, Generative AI can reduce the time required for writing. This allows writers to concentrate on enriching the content with the assistance of subject matter experts and developing engaging learning strategies that facilitate knowledge retention by learners.
  • Make Learning More Inclusive: Generative AI can serve as a tool in online learning sessions to motivate introverted or hesitant learners to participate more actively. By using Generative AI to engage in fun and interactive activities, students can find answers to their questions and boost their confidence in the learning process.
  • Personalized Learning: Writers can use Generative AI to personalize teaching methods according to each student's performance and provide feedback on their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Editing Assistance: Generative AI can assist writers in editing their work by providing suggestions for grammar, syntax, and even content. This can help writers produce high-quality content and improve their writing skills.

Nevertheless, it is essential for writers to continually develop their abilities in analyzing their target audiences, conducting skill gap analysis, identifying problems, facilitating learning, and creating content that demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of their organization's capabilities and limitations.
The potential of Generative AI in the field of learning is vast and yet to be fully explored. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more exciting and innovative applications in the future.

eWandzDigital, a global professional services company that uses technology to help customers meet critical business and knowledge needs, recognizes the importance of merging technological innovations with human expertise to meet the learning and training needs of organizations. They use human expertise to understand learner needs, identify skill gaps and design effective strategies while leveraging technology and AI to create effective, engaging, and continuous learning experiences to develop skills and knowledge. Th result: learning solutions that enable organizations to drive continuous learning while maximizing the potential of their workforce.

Urvashi Grover

Dharuni Garikapaty
Dharuni Garikapaty is an Assistant Vice President (AVP) Learning Services with eWandzDigital. She is an experienced Learning Strategy and Training Design Specialist with a career spanning 25 years. She has worked with a range of organizations including Microsoft, NIIT, and Olympic Gold Quest to design and develop learning experiences. Dharuni also has experience in technical documentation, content management, technical documentation, and corporate communication. Her qualifications include a Professional Diploma in Software Technology and Systems Management, and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics.